Sea Salt heals all your skin needs in half the time because of the optimal minerals that are found in your body. You are not missing one you are giving them all.

Sea salt tends to come from warm climates with high evaporation rates and little rainfall. It’s made by flooding man-made pools with salt water from the ocean and waiting for the water to evaporate under the sun, which leaves behind various sizes of sea salt crystals. 

Sea Salt heals all your skin needs in half the time because of the optimal minerals that are found in your body. You are not missing one you are giving them all.

Sea salt tends to come from warm climates with high evaporation rates and little rainfall. It’s made by flooding man-made pools with salt water from the ocean and waiting for the water to evaporate under the sun, which leaves behind various sizes of sea salt crystals. 

Each sea salt-producing region produces salt with its color, texture, mineral content, and flavor profile. The sea salt we use in all of our H2Ocean products comes from the Red Sea, a protected inlet of the Indian Ocean lying between East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Red Sea Salt has 86% of its components harvested by solar evaporation. Te Sodium Chloride (NaCl) comes from the clear coral reef waters of the Red Sea and contains a natural complement of minor and trace elements in naturally occurring ratios.

The mission was simple: Create high-quality products that heal the body using the natural and potent remedies found in the world’s oceans. We are an innovative company that seeks to improve the health of people and the planet. We know that sea salt-based products and plant-based ingredients can assure you the efficacy and safety you deserve. At H2Ocean: we recycle, reuse and design our packaging with the planet in mind.

sea salt technology

55 Clinical Studies

Found in peer-reviewed medical journals about sea salt and health of the human body.

Written by: Eddie Kolos


The Benefits of Human Health. Vol. 1.

The Healing Properties of Sea Salt Minerals (Chapter 19, Excerpt.)

Ordinary table salt consists of only 2 elements: sodium and chlorine. Salt found in the oceans contains more than 82 trace minerals. Many of these minerals are important for bodily health and are necessary for bodily processes. The complete list of all the essential elements in the sea salt is listed in the table below (Table 1).

Chapter 19, The healing properties of sea salt minerals: The Science of Sea Salt, by Eddie Kolos

Table 1:List of sea salt elements
(Source: Material safety data sheet, red sea salt, Israel)

Sodium is a major element in the human body. It is mainly used as an electrolyte by the body in the extracellular fluid and in the sodium-potassium pump. Within the extracellular fluid, sodium ions are the major cation electrolytes. These ions in the extracellular fluid are important for regulating the pH and electrolyte concentration of the body. [1] Through the sodium potassium pump, sodium is also necessary for every nerve function in the body. This makes sodium an especially important ion for muscle movement and mental cognition.

Chlorine, in the form of chloride ion, is the most abundant component of sea salt, and is used for many things in the human body.[2] Chloride ions are the major anion electrolytes within the extracellular fluid that surrounds every cell in the body. It is also an essential component of hydrochloric stomach acid.[3] Chloride deficiencies can cause dehydration, fluid loss, and fatigue.

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Elements Found in H2Ocean Products


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